A few (hundred) of my favorites, in no particular order, much like my bookshelf:
Mahler, Margaret & Pine, Fred & Bergman, Anni. The psychological birth of the human infant.
Penny, Louise. The Chief Inspector Gamache mysteries.
Masterson, James. The personality disorders through the lens of attachment theory and the neurobiologic development of the self.
Kain, Kathy & Stephen Terrell. Nurturing resilience.
King, Thomas. The inconvenient Indian.
Robinson, Eden. Monkey beach.
Ross, Rupert. Indigenous healing: Exploring traditional paths.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Honouring the truth, reconciling for the future.
Levine, Peter. Trauma and memory: Brain and body in a search for the living past.
Katherine, Anne. Boundaries in an overconnected world: Setting limits to preserve your focus, privacy, relationships, and sanity.
Brukner, Lauren. The kids’ guide to staying awesome and in control: Simple stuff to help children regulate their emotions and senses.
Verdick, Elizabeth & Reeve, Elizabeth. The survival guide for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (and their parents)
Wilkins, Sheri & Burmeister, Carol. FLIPP the switch: Strengthen executive functioning skills.
Zylowska, Lidia. The mindfulness prescription for adult ADHD.
Winner, Michelle Garcia & Crooke, Pamela. Socially curious and curiously social: A social thinking guidebook for bright teens and young adults.
Caplan, Paula. The new don’t blame mother: Mending the mother-daughter relationship.
Winner, Michelle Garcia. You are a social detective! Explaining social thinking to kids.
Jamieson, Juliet & Jamieson, Claire. Managing Asperger Syndrome at college and university.
Collins-Donnelly. Starving the anxiety gremlin: A CBT workbook on anxiety management for young people.
Winner, Michelle Garcia. Social thinking thinksheets for tweens and teens: Learning to read in between the social lines.
Freeland, Claire & Toner, Jacqueline. What to do when mistakes make you quake: A kid’s guide to accepting imperfection.
Epstein, Mark. Going to pieces without falling apart: A Buddhist perspective on wholeness.
Attwood, Tony. The complete guide to Asperger’s Syndrome.
Schnarch, David. Passionate marriage: Keeping love and intimacy alive in committed relationships.
Gottman, John. Why marriages succeed or fail.
Katherine, Anne. Where to draw the line: How to set healthy boundaries every day.
Katherine, Anne. Boundaries: Where you end and I begin.
Richo, David. How to be an adult: A handbook on psychological and spiritual integration.
Richo, David. How to be an adult in relationships.
Richo, David. When the past is present.
Siegel, Daniel and Hartzell, Mary. Parenting from the inside out: How a deeper self-understanding can help you raise children who thrive.
Richardson, Cheryl. Take time for your life.
Carlsen, Mary Baird. Meaning-making: Therapeutic processes in adult development.
Mate, Gabor. Scattered Minds: A new look at the origins and healing of attention deficit disorder.
Gershon, Michael. The second brain: A groundbreaking new understanding of nervous disorders of the stomach and intestine.
Simone, Rudy. Asperger’s on the job: Must-have advice for people with Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and their employers, educators and advocates.
Llinas, Rodolfo. I of the vortex: From neurons to self.
Siegel, Daniel. Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation.
Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Full catastrophe living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain and illness.
Cozolino, Louis. The neuroscience of human relationships: Attachment and the developing social brain.
Rothschild, Babette. Help for the Helper: The psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.
Baker, Jed. Preparing for life: The complete guide for transitioning to adulthood for those with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
Richo, David. Daring to trust: Opening ourselves to real love and intimacy.
Bader, Ellyn and Pearson, Peter. Tell me no lies: How to stop lying to your partner -and yourself- in the 4 stages of marriage.
Richo, David. How to be an adult in love: Letting love in safely and showing it recklessly.
Barks, Coleman (trans). The essential Rumi.
Heller, Laurence. Healing developmental trauma: How early trauma affects self-regulation, self-image, and the capacity for relationship.
Bader, Ellyn and Pearson, Peter. In quest of the mythical mate: A developmental approach to diagnosis and treatment in couples therapy.
Levine, Peter. In an unspoken voice: How the body releases trauma and restores goodness.
Levine, Peter and Phillips, Maggie. Freedom from pain: Discover your body’s power to overcome physical pain.
Oliver, Mary. Any of her books of poetry.
Thich Nhat Hanh. A handful of quiet: Happiness in four pebbles.